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kubbuk is the cooperation between the carpentry Vorreau and the artist duo heidundgriess.
Since 2014 we have been developing and building tiny houses, furniture, room concepts, installations / artistic interventions.

Alexandra Grieß:

Born 1977 in Hameln/Germany, living in Hamburg since 1995, 2001-2004 studied visual communication at the HAW (University of applied Science) in Hamburg, Germany. Working as an Artist, Photographer and Soundartist.

Jorel Heid:

Born 1982 in in Savigny/Switzerland, 2003-2006, education as a joiner in Tübingen/Germany. Since then working as a freelance carpenter, Artist and Designer.

Felix Vorreau:
Born 1983 in Hamburg / Germany. 2007 completed training course as a carpenter master and working self-employed since 2013.

IG @kubbuk_projects